Welcome to Life, But Better! I’m so delighted you’re here. Together, we can live our lives intentionally joyful, artful, and healthful!
It’s Time for an Update!
It’s been so long since I last posted, some of you probably thought I’d completely disappeared! I’m back. 🙂 Although I’ve made subtle changes to the website, adding recipes and supplement resources, etc. over the last two years, I haven’t sat down to write a blog post in quite some time. What am I up …
The In-Betweens
I have always disliked the “in-betweens” and the “not-quite-theres”—the periods of uncertainty when things aren’t quite figured out or finalized. I don’t mind transitions and change when I know what’s coming next, but the seasons where I feel stuck or ambiguous are really difficult for me. I tend not to talk about them, or even …
A Year of Transitions
Hello again, friends! I know it’s been quite some time since I last wrote. It’s crazy to think it’s October already. This year has flown by in some ways, and has crawled past painfully in other ways. I feel that a lot of us are going through transition periods of our lives, especially with the …
I’ve been happily spending time in kitchens and creating delicious food for as long as I can remember. My mom taught me the essentials of baking and cooking when I was young, and a minor in Hospitality Management with required courses in food preparation and food service management continued my training in a professional kitchen setting. My love of food is evident to all those who know me, and more recently, I’ve been experimenting with creating my own recipes. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.
Breakfast Dishes
Main Dishes
One of my favorite activities is creating whimsical art. My passion with all of my artwork is to share joy, and I hope you enjoy a little splash of sunshine in your day.
The following artwork has already gone to happy homes, but I do take requests if you’re interested in owning your own. These paintings are made with acrylic paint on canvas and I often incorporate tulle, ribbons, and buttons to make the artwork come to life in 3D. Please email me for more information and to purchase!

Hello there! I’m Lindsey, and I am passionate about helping women and men live their most successful, empowered, and healthy lives.
I know what it’s like to go through the motions of life, to feel the constant stress, and to wind up exhausted at the end of every day. I know balancing work, family, friends, hobbies, chores, and self-care is a daunting ask.
There have been times in my life where I’ve looked in a mirror and not recognized the woman staring back at me. I’ve worked too hard, stretched myself too thinly, and suffered physical, mental, and emotional health issues as a result.
I’ve been through seasons when my checking account had just a couple of dollars in it, and I did not know how I was going to make a rent payment, buy groceries, or refuel my car. I accidentally missed a rent payment one time due to a change in bank account information, and the rental company immediately threatened to evict me, without bothering to find out what was going on. I’ve had my debit and credit card denied due to insufficient funds.
I’ve built dreams and I’ve dismantled dreams. I’ve started multiple businesses and I’ve closed multiple businesses. I’ve not had an easy go of it, in a lot of ways.
Simply put, I know that life can be HARD.
But I also know there’s a better way.
Sometimes life seems impossibly difficult–like nothing will ever be right again with the world. But I promise you that there is always hope. The darkness sometimes feels so thick that light will never shine through again. But hope prevails.
There IS a better way.
Through implementing daily mindfulness practices, combined with dance and movement exercises, and eating healthy foods with nutritional supplements, my life has changed.
I know how to navigate the challenges that come up on an hourly basis. I know how to remain positive in the midst of struggle. I know how to continue to love deeply and give generously, even when that’s taken advantage of.
The tools and skills I have developed over the years to effectively manage my time, be continually productive, and achieve great things are tools and skills you can develop too.
You CAN live your best life too.
I invite you to join me on this journey of creating and embracing Life, But Better.