It’s Time for an Update!

It’s been so long since I last posted, some of you probably thought I’d completely disappeared!

I’m back. 🙂 Although I’ve made subtle changes to the website, adding recipes and supplement resources, etc. over the last two years, I haven’t sat down to write a blog post in quite some time.

What am I up to these days? I’m the Brand Engagement Manager for a medical device design, development, and manufacturing firm, the host of The Leading Difference podcast, the Chief Executive Wiseguy at Marketing Wise, a success and lifestyle coach at Lindsey Dinneen Coaching, and the Community Director of Actalyst.

I’m now a full-time digital nomad with my husband. We left Kansas City in December of 2021 after selling/giving away/donating about 95% of our belongings (storing just a few keepsakes for the future) in order to travel the world while working our full-time jobs. We accomplish this mostly through housesitting with TrustedHousesitters (use this link to receive 25% off your annual membership fee) where we sit for pet/homeowners in exchange for a free place to stay (no money exchanges hands on this platform). So far, we’ve traveled to six countries and over 20 states, and we absolutely love this lifestyle!

I also recently completed both my Master of Science in Management & Leadership and my MBA from WGU. I had that on my bucket list for a long time, so getting to cross off “obtain a master’s degree” was pretty darn exciting! It was an interesting experience going back to school after a decade, but I’ve been taking continuing education classes in the meanwhile, so there wasn’t too much of a “learning curve” to adjust to. The courses were engaging and challenging, and I appreciated the opportunity to continue learning about running a successful business as well as hone my management and leadership skills.

Now, I’m ready to dive in fully with my coaching business (I’m developing several exciting opportunities to work with me 1×1 or in a group setting; details TBA) and also with my networking community group. Links and more information will be coming soon, so be sure to check back regularly!

You’ll also hear from me via my articles on business growth, ethics, and marketing over at Marketing Wise, which contains all 100% free resources designed to help entrepreneurs and small businesses cut through the endless noise of “expert advice” on the web in order to choose the right marketing activities for their budget.

Interested in working with me? Send me an email to learn more about my coaching or to join Actalyst. Looking forward to connecting with you, and as always, wander well, friends.

A Year of Transitions

Hello again, friends! I know it’s been quite some time since I last wrote. It’s crazy to think it’s October already. This year has flown by in some ways, and has crawled past painfully in other ways. I feel that a lot of us are going through transition periods of our lives, especially with the world and pandemic being what they are.

For me, it’s been a year devoted to reflection, thoughtful changes, and reset. I’ve been going at the speed of a train for as long as I can remember. I don’t sit still very well–I always want to be learning and growing and taking on the next big challenge to achieve my goals and dreams. But being in quarantine earlier this spring became the perfect opportunity to really sit down and re-evaluate what I wanted out of my life. I knew I couldn’t keep up that speed forever, but being forced to stay home for seven weeks allowed me the space–both physical and mental–to determine what was next.

I closed my dance studio in April, and that was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done. I knew it was the right choice and the right time, but that knowledge didn’t make it any less challenging. I’ll post more on that at some point. Still, new dreams and plans emerged amongst the wrap-up of a former dream.

I started a podcast, Artfully Told, to share people’s stories about their meaningful encounters with art. What a joy it has been to interview people and hear their incredible stories! I finally built out this website, and started uploading original recipes after experimenting more with cooking and baking this year. I painted a bunch of whimsical art on canvas, which gave me an outlet to express myself in a different way.

What’s ahead at this point? I’m developing my coaching business, and am so excited to be launching in the near future. There are a few other things in the works, but I’ll wait to announce those until the time is right. 🙂

Until next time, my friends, wander well.